Access to Invoice Factoring provides businesses with the ability to gain immediate access to their sales revenue by outsourcing sales invoices to a third party company.
Who in turn provide a monetary advancement as well as undertake to deal with the sales ledger by collecting the payments from the debtor(s) on behalf of the business. If a business wishes to stay in control of their own sales ledger then they should be looking at accessing invoice discounting as the preferred way to access finance.
Depending on the business accessing the Invoice Factoring facility, means that in some cases factoring companies may be able to award up to 90% of the invoice value straight away. Thus having a positive cash flow effect, i.e. the business factoring their invoices is not waiting around for 30, 60 or 90 days (even longer) for the cash which would otherwise be tied up with their debtors.
Late or delayed sales invoice payments can undoubtedly have a huge impact on the cash flow of business with one potential effect being that they’re unable to make vital or routine purchases needed to operate or grow the business.
For many SME’s it can often seem like a full-time job keeping on top of needing to know which of their customers have paid, and those who have not. Therefore for those in the situation where this strikes a cord, it can be more cost-effective and beneficial if they were to gain access to Invoice Factoring facilities as their ideal route to finance.
Access to Finance is something which we can arrange easily for many businesses. We have the ability, and both the right knowledge, experience to not only explore but secure the best Invoice Factoring options available for the business we act on behalf of. Our many years of experience in raising business finance for an untold number of business clients provide us with a larger number of credible financial firms in whom we trust to do what’s right for our clients.